By Wan Cai Mei

Girl-Suicide-Bullying_Darg-1024x656 A 12-year-old Florida girl leaps off a tower to her death. Two of her classmates are arrested,   accused of a modern rite of middle school: sending cruel, harassing texts.


At the concrete plant where leapt to her death, friends of Rebecca Sedwick have created a makeshift memorial. The stuffed and the bear doll left there reflect  is just how young that  she was – 12 years old.

“My daughter’s suicide came after months of bullying on social media and in person.Her mother, Tricia Norman said.

Tricia Norman says, “If you haven’t killed yourself yet, would you please just die?’ They got what they wanted.”

Norman said the bullying continued even after she complained to school officials.

“I told them Becca is being threatened. These girls saying they’re gonna jump her. And then, ‘Oh, well we’ll talk to them.’ And then she would still get jumped.”

Norman says that bullying to her daughter is just began last December. And she also moved her daughter into another school and even closed her Facebook account immediately.

But Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd says the torment didn’t stop.

He said they still found  some of the quotes such as ‘You should die. Why don’t you go kill yourself?’.

Norman was unaware her daughter had recently started using new forms of social media, designed as easy ways for people to stay in touch.

“The bullying continued by different female juveniles on different social media outlets, such as Kik, Ask.fm, Instagram and Voxer,” Judd said.

Finally, it was too much and Rebecca are feel depressed. Rebecca texted a friend, saying, “I’m dead. I’m jumping. I can’t take it anymore.” On Monday, she climbed a tower at a concrete factory and jumped off.

Detectives later found even more ominous clues.

“We also found on Rebecca’s search engines or search questions … ‘How many Advil do you need to take to die?'”

The Sheriff’s Office is considering filing charges against the juveniles who sent the messages.

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